Good Lawgic
Politics • Lifestyle • Comedy
Good Lawgic is designed to provide unique insight on current political events presented with humor and without any pussy footing.

On this local page, I will post unique content outside current events that will not air on YouTube.
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Live Streamed on November 17, 2022 7:22 PM ET
Explaining the Fat Thing

Fleshing out my comments from Last Night. (See what I did there?)

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Re: Election Fraud
Update Regarding YouTube Partnership Program
Going live on Tim Pool in 2 minutes

The look Joe gives as Pisco is about to hang himself 😆

post photo preview
Very Frustrated and Grok made it worse

Spent all day looking for something worthwhile to discuss and reached the end of my rope. In frustration I went to Grok for suggestions.

Here is our dialogue: you can skim groks answers.

Any suggestions?

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