I want to thank each of you for following me from YT/Rumble over here to Locals. Locals enables me to ensure that people who are interested in my content can find me even if algorithms can be unfriendly in providing notifications elsewhere. It further helps developing right wing content creators like me to have a mild sense of security that even if we are a target of cancel culture, that we have a certain baseline income that won't vanish at the whim of some woke wannabe demagogue.
I try to differentiate Locals from other content by fixating far more directly on humanities. I define "humanities" as analyzing ourselves and our relationship with others and society. I try to assess what we truly think and feel as manifested by our conduct. I look at inner conflict, morality and dissect how we can more easily find genuine happiness rather than what may be convenient.
My goal with Locals is to be accessible to everybody irrespective of their income. There are two reasons for this. First, I want to help people find perspectives because that helps me feel productive and makes society better. That is the nobler side of the objective.
The more selfish side is that I recognize that communities grow if communities have size. If a community has limited membership/participation/engagement it withers and dies. People gravitate toward the popular. Those who join, whether they pay or not, encourage others to join, just by their very presence in increasing the size of a group. All the more so if they contribute productively.
So if you cannot afford $5 per month and accept a free promo code, I am not doing you a favor. You are doing that favor for me.
Right now, the KEEPMEJOE promo code is available to everybody to sample the community for a month. That code dies tomorrow. It works most consistently if you use a browser rather than the app. You MUST sign up monthly, not annually, for it to work.
I urge each of you to try it. I will try my best to make it worth your while.
Those of you who I have granted a free monthly code in the past, may notice that "KEEPMEJOE" was the code you used monthly since January. I created that code a 6-month life to be reusable from January til July 5. I will continue to grant you the same access in future months. I have created a new code for you to use in future months.
The 6 month life is because I hope that for some people, their fortunes may improve and that at a certain point, the promo code will be unnecessary for them. So the limited time of 6 month functionality is a simple prompt. But it is not designed to say that struggling people get 6 months free and that is it.
ANYBODY who comes to me and says "Hey Joe, I would love to participate but cannot afford the monthly fee" will be given a free code. I don't care if it is ten years from now and I have given you 20 different codes every 6 months during that time. I will happily give you the 21st code. Just ask.
Thank you again and G-dspeed!