In 2024.
I created a new discount code in 2024 that will work until July 5, 2024. I do that every 6 months. But the code works only for a month and then you need a new one.
Locals will not let you reuse the same code a second time. Which is annoying.
To enable you to continue in month 2, 3, 4, etc, I established new codes for each month by using the same code word with a digit on the end.
I'd rather not publicize the code to the world, but, as an example, if I gave you a discount code of:
In the following month(s) use discount code:
The current discount codes all work through July 5, 2024. Hopefully, things are better for you by then, financially. If not, just hit me up and I will give you the new code for the next 6 months.
If you have any questions, hit me up.
Easiest way to reach me is on Twitter: @TheFollowingPro