Procedurally, I need to notify Judge Merchan that I plan on filing this TRO tomorrow at 3 PM. Im supposed to tell him where I am filing and when. Literally the room. The building is the Appellate Division First Department at 27 Madison Avenue. But I need the name of the office and/or room number that I walk into within that building. In Supreme Court they call it the "Motion Support Office" or "Ex Parte" office. In Appellate Court it may be one of those or a different name. Im also thinking of providing notice to Alvin Bragg and Trump's counsel. Let's make it a party.
So I need the following info from an internet sleuth/ NY paralegal:
1. The name of the office and preferably the room number as well; and
2. Contact info for where I can email Merchan.
3. Contact info for Bragg
4. Name and contact info for Trump's counsel defending the NY criminal action.
And GO!