Good Lawgic
Comedy • Lifestyle • Politics
Good Lawgic is designed to provide unique insight on current political events presented with humor and without any pussy footing.

On this local page, I will post unique content outside current events that will not air on YouTube.
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Live Streamed on May 29, 2024 5:05 PM ET
The Nick Rekieta Post-Arrest Report: Fact and Law

The Search Warrant that led to the raid of Nick Rekieta's home has been published for the public.

I will Start streaming on Locals, YT and Rumble. I will finish the Fact and Law Analysis on those platforms and continue here on Locals.

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The Responsibilities of Man and How That Relates To Locals
Re: Election Fraud
Update Regarding YouTube Partnership Program
Ok Ok..So SOTU is tomorrow night. Reg start time tonight


I even checked.

Starting early tonight (8:45 PM EST) LIVE WATCH Trump Addressing Congress

A LOT of speculation that we may be pulling out of NATO.

I created a vid and weighed in with my thoughts on X. Please like and share it.

No show tonight.

Be back tomorrow

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