Good Lawgic
Comedy • Lifestyle • Politics
Good Lawgic is designed to provide unique insight on current political events presented with humor and without any pussy footing.

On this local page, I will post unique content outside current events that will not air on YouTube.
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Live chatted 07/01/2024
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Re: Election Fraud
Update Regarding YouTube Partnership Program
Idea Feedback: Online Trump Rallies

The debate last week confirms we are in election season mode. This weekend I conceived of the idea of hosting "Online Trump Rallies" on my channel. I would not simply restream his rallies but create one of my own. Perhaps, have a guest speaker like Scott Pressler or Brick Suit guy, play a select portion of Trump speaking and maybe give 3 reasons at each rally to Vote Trump.


Here are some thoughts about why I am torn about following through:

I'd feel guilty if he lost and I didn't do everything I could to help him win;

Could start a trend that would have a genuine impact;

Potential channel exposure to new audience.

I have worked hard to be fair in assessing every political figure good or bad.
To maintain transparency about good or bad in any candidate including Trump. Hosting rallies undermines a lot of of my work to display "old school" journalistic impartiality/integrity.

Its a lot of work;

Maintaining a schedule ...

Should I cover Immunity/Glanville or Epstein Tonight?

I can probably spend 2 hours on SCOTUS immunity decision and other legal developments or there is 10 hours of material on information released from Jefferey Epstein files including vid of his homes old blurry interviews with his victims going back to the mid 2000s.and assorted docs.

I will probably touch on both. Where would you prefer I focus tonight?

Feel free to detail below.

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