Jeff Legal Vices never made it to 100k can we help him post death. Joe and Jeff was some interstellar stream connection (time zone problems) and Friday/Saturday never worked out.
Today, I learned that my friend Jeff aka Legal Vices died over the weekened.
Megan Fox says that she tried calling him today and was told of his death by his ex-wife and confirmed by his son. A link to his son's Insta post on the matter is below.
I don't have the right words but I will share my thoughts all the same.
Jeff was not simply a smart lawyer with a personality that commanded attention. His soul was pure and kind.
He had the confidence to laugh at himself and the world. Continually welcoming and respecting others treating everybody the same irrespective of the size of their audience.
He was exactly the same Jeff in private that you saw in public. If you think you knew Jeff, you did. He was always the same man.
The oversized hats. The snoring dogs. The boisterous laugh. The give no effs attitude. The wise insight calmly delivered with precision and clarity. It was just Jeff being Jeff. And that was why we all loved him.
Im really going to miss my friend. I still can't believe it.
Tomorrow, I hope to do a memorial for Jeff. What would you like to see featured in an appropriate memorial?
Megan Fox shared that Jeff "Legal Vices" has passed.
I don't know how to tell you all this but it needs to be said. Our friend
thelegalvices passed away from heart failure yesterday in Seoul. The doggies are okay. I'm still processing this. But his audience and all of us who love him so need to know. I'm so sorry for his family and friends. We love you Jeff.